Quality / CSR

Quality Policy

Excell Group provides leadership in the art of continuous improvement, quality at reduced costs and delivery of products on time that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.

Quality Activity

  1. Providing products that meet customer needs

    We will develop and provide socially useful products that meet customer requirements.

  2. Providing appropriate information about the product

    We will provide appropriate information about the product to our customers.

  3. Ensuring product safety

    We will produce and provide products that meet the regulations set by each country / region.

  4. Ensuring product quality

    We will build and operate a company-wide system to ensure quality.

Health and Safety Policy

In order to protect the safety of the workplace and the health of employees, we will promote safety and health activities throughout the Excell Group and aim to achieve zero accidents and disasters.

Health and Safety Activity

  • We are giving top priority to ensure the safety and health of our employees, and striving to prevent accidents and disasters.
  • We are building and operating a company-wide system such as organizational structure, planned actions, division of responsibilities, and processes to promote safety and health activities.
  • We are continuously improving while implementing safety and health activities.
  • We are taking appropriate safety measures for the machinery and equipment used in-house.
  • We are taking appropriate measures by grasping the occurrence of occupational accidents and illnesses.
  • We are appropriately ensuring the safety and health of workplaces and living facilities (dining rooms, toilets, dormitories, etc.).

Human Rights and Labor Activity

  1. Elimination of discrimination

    We do not discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, etc. in all employment situations.

  2. Respect for human rights

    We do not allow any form of harassment in the workplace. We have an in-house consultation desk.

  3. Prohibition of child labor

    We do not allow children who are under the working age according to the laws of each country / region.

  4. Prohibition of forced labor

    We guarantee that all labor is voluntary and that employees can leave their jobs freely, and we do not perform forced labor.

  5. Wage

    We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding minimum wage, overtime, wage deduction, volume wage, and other benefits.

  6. Working time

    We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region regarding the determination of working hours (including overtime) of employees and the provision of holidays and annual paid leave.

  7. Dialogue / discussion with employees

    We have sincere dialogues and discussions with employees directly or with representatives of employees.

  8. Human resource development

    We support the career development and ability development of employees through human resource development.
    We have an in-house award system.
    We are conducting training at overseas plants.

Regional Contribution Activity

Cleaning activities of Akagi Highland Techno Industrial Park

Niisato Festival